University of Oslo (UiO) is Norway’s oldest (since 1811) and largest (>30 000 students and > 6000 employees) public institution of higher education and research, ranked frequently among the World’s 100 best. UiO has participated in the EU’s framework programmes for research and development since 1991 and is today the Norwegian university with the largest EU portfolio.

The Group for Electrochemistry, which coordinates the project, has a strong foundation in solid state ionics and the defect chemistry of oxides. Proton conductors and their application in hydrogen technologies are central to our research, which extends to photoelectrochemistry and electrocatalysis. Research activities in the group range from synthesis and fabrication of novel materials, thin films and nanostructures to electrochemical characterisation of cells, as well as density functional theory (DFT) simulations.

The main research topics in the group include:

  • Redox exsolution of transition metal nanoparticles
  • Photoelectrochemical cells for solar hydrogen and fuels
  • Proton ceramic fuel cells, electrolysers and membrane reactors
  • Fundamentals of electrode polarisation and surface protonic conduction
  • Surface kinetics and isotope exchange methods

Role in the project

  • Project management and coordination
  • Synthesis and characterization of anode catalysts for water electrolysis
  • Lab-scale water electrolysis testing
  • DFT simulations

With a student body exceeding 45,000, RWTH Aachen University stands as the second-largest technical university in Germany and is among the eleven universities designated for funding as a University of Excellence in the country. In REFINE, two research units at RWTH Aachen University are involved: The Chair of Communication Science (COMM), led by Prof. Dr. Martina Ziefle, and the Junior Professorship for Risk Perception (RISK), guided by Prof. Dr. Katrin Arning. In the project, N.N. (COMM) and Maike Keil (RISK) work on the social and communication science work packages and research issues. Together, we synergize our expertise in analyzing societal perceptions of innovative technologies and understanding the diverse requirements and perceived risks within multifaceted societies. Through our insights into societal needs, we derive implications for communication strategies and policymaking.

Role in the project In our role within the project, we contribute an empirical social science perspective, employing data-driven analysis to explore and quantify the societal acceptance and risk perceptions of solar-based fuels. Our objectives include identifying acceptance-relevant factors and key risk perceptions as well as public information and communication requirements related to the production of solar fuels according to the REFINE approach. We conduct empirical surveys, statistically model societal perceptions and acceptance of the REFINE technology and fuels and differentiate the demands of relevant stakeholders. Additionally, we develop information- and communication concepts to translate our results into concrete implications for the REFINE technology rollout and risk communication.

The Electrochemistry Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece covers the core of research activities of the Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the Chemistry Department, under the direction of Professor Sotiris Sotiropoulos (co-PI of REFINE). The three main areas of research are Electrochemistry, Photocatalysis/Photoelectrochemistry and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces and are currently run by 8 members of staff (with three more appointments pending). The Laboratory is well-equipped with 10 electrochemical workstations, analytical facilities (TOC, GC, HPLC, ICP-MS) and probe microscopies (AFM, STM, SECM) and access to SEM, TEM, XRD and XPS facilities.

Role in the project The objectives of the group are those of WP3 i.e. the development of high performing cathode catalyst materials with minimal amounts of precious metals for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline media. To circumvent the limited resources and high price of Pt, which is the best catalyst for the electrolytic production of hydrogen in alkaline/neutral media via the HER, the three main strategies adopted are to a) reduce Pt loading on the HER cathode, b) mix Pt with other metal species that improve its HER activity and c) replace Pt by abundant element compounds with acceptable HER activity. For the HER the catalysts primarily targeted will be Pt-Ni and MnOx-Ni; alternatively, Pt-Ti and MnOx-Ti materials will be tested too. All catalysts will be prepared by the group’s generic galvanic replacement/deposition methodologies. Members of the group will also take part in the operando characterization of the catalysts as part of a project’s interdisciplinary research team involved in WP4.

Oslo University Hospital: The group led by Prof. Magnar Bjørås is a diverse scientific ecosystem, spanning research areas such as the role of oxidative DNA base lesion repair in cancer, aberrant oxidative DNA modifications and DNA structures in genome regulation, pathomechanisms of lysosomal storage disorders in rare neurodegenerative diseases, and applications of nanoparticle technology in genomics to bacterial toxin-antitoxin peptides in biological responses to DNA damage. Many of these current and past projects have involved the creation of genetically modified organisms and we bring this extensive experience in genetic engineering (also known as synthetic biology) to REFINE.

Role in the project We leverage synthetic biology to engineer a mutant of Cupriavidus necator (C. necator), an ancient bacterium adept at fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) using the key protein ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO). Adapted to thrive in high CO2 environments, C. necator is ideally suited for this purpose. As our feedstock, we’ll utilize scrubbed flue gases from industrial processes like steel or cement production, ensuring they’re primarily CO2. This will be combined with molecular hydrogen (H2) generated from the photocatalytic reduction of wastewater. This optimized mixture will then be fed to our engineered C. necator strain. Employing synthetic biology techniques, we’ll redirect the bacterium’s metabolic surplus from its natural storage molecule, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), towards the production of a valuable industrial drop-in fuel: isobutanol.

The Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) is a Spanish Public Research Institution owned by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) is one of the outlying centers located in Southern Spain. It is formally considered as European Large Scientific Installation and it is also the largest R+D center in the World devoted to solar thermal concentrating systems and photochemistry (research, development, and testing). The Solar Treatment of Water (TSA) Research Unit at PSA is formally considered by CIEMAT-PSA as a Research Group within the Renewable Energy Department at CIEMAT. The main objective of the research of the Unit of Solar Treatment of Water (TSA) is the use of solar energy for promoting photochemical processes at ambient temperature.

Research activities are focused on:

  • Heterogeneous  and homogeneous (photo-Fenton) photocatalysis
  • Solar disinfection
  • Other water advanced processes: ozone, UV/H2O2, electrooxidation, membranes, biotreatment.

The main objective of the Research Unit is to apply this research in:

  • Photocatalysts evaluation
  • Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Microcontaminants elimination
  • Water Potabilization and disinfection
  • Hydrogen production.
  • Wastewater reuse in agriculture

TSA unit collaborates in national and international projects, valorising the research via different goals:

  • Patents.
  • Communication of results in international journal with high IF
  • Formation of researchers by PhD Thesis.
  • Transfer of results to private sector by studies of viability and research contracts.”

Role in the project The role of CIEMAT-PSA in REFINE project is mainly focused in WP8 (Lab and outdoor testing and product analysis in Unit1), Task 8.1. Outdoor testing and product analyses under natural solar radiation at PSA in Almeria, Spain; in WP9 (Technoeconomic analysis of Unit 1) by bring actual field-testing data of the up scaled Unit 1 developed in WP8 for economic evaluation; leading WP11 (culture growth protocols, analysis and downstream separation) in which initial parameters defined in WP10 (at M9) as key for the proper culture and grown of genetically modified C. necator will be assessed and optimized at laboratory scale (1 L) at CIEMAT-PSA for the maximization of isobutanol production (and maximum CO2 absorption), in close collaboration with OUH and WP10; leading WP13 (Hybrid inorganic-biologial REFINE system), Task 13.2 –Up scaled system integration at realistic conditions and demonstration of its operability (TRL5) will be assessed at CIEMAT-PSA in close collaboration with APRIA, UiO and IFE.

IFE is an independent, non-profit, private research organization founded in 1948 and is the key Norwegian actor specialized in energy issues. The Institute counts with about 600 employees and has an annual turnover around 100 M€. IFE undertakes research on an ideal basis for the benefit of society and develops climate friendly energy systems and solutions that contribute decoupling economic growth and welfare from CO2 emissions. IFE conducts leading research at both national and international level and has been involved in more than 300 international projects in the fields of: geothermal energy, renewable energy, bioeconomy, environmental technology, physics and materials science, marine technology, nuclear technology, development of radiopharmaceuticals, safety and reliability, digitalization and man-machine systems. IFE is involved in more than 40 European projects (10 of them, as Coordinators) and hosts several Research Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) including Solar, battery and hydrogen technologies.  The solar research at IFE covered the whole value chain on Si based material, from Si feedstock to wafer, ingot, cell and module, PV system and recycling. The facility at IFE can fabricate the solar cells and modules from lab size to industrial relevant. IFE will keep working on the solar energy for high efficiency and low cost.

Role in the project In the Refine project, IFE will mainly contribute on the unit 1 device development in both lab and up-scale size. The PV unit with limited size will provide sufficient energy for the chemical reactor. In addition, IFE will also contribute on the DFT modeling for the OER and HER catalysts development.

APRIA Systems (APRIA) is a technology-based company located in the north of Spain (Cantabria), awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness as an Innovative SME. It was established in March 2006 as a spin-off of the Advanced Separation Processes R&D group of the University of Cantabria; its activity is strongly focused on innovation to provide sustainable advanced solutions for the purification of industrial gaseous and liquid streams based on membrane and advanced oxidation technologies. Therefore, APRIA is continuously updating and upgrading its know-how through important R&D investment efforts in order to provide the most innovative solutions. During the last years, APRIA achieved significant participation in European projects, coordinating H2020 (SFS-08-2015) and LIFE projects (LIFE16 ENV/ES/000242 and LIFE20- CCM_ES_001748), and participating in Horizon Europe, H2020- FET Proact, Interreg, LIFE or PRIMA projects. APRIA has highly specialized human resources. The current main staff is composed by 12 PhD in chemical engineering and 3 engineers with a broad experience in developing innovation projects focused on improving and upgrading industrial processes.

Role in the project As technological partner, APRIA will focus on the implementation and optimization of the technical solution with the definition, design and construction of tailored prototypes based on the innovative technologies defined.

The main role of APRIA will be:

  • The construction of the PV-driven photo-electrolyser prototype (Unit 1)
  • Evaluation of the economic feasibility of the PV-driven photo-electrolyser (Unit 1)
  • Integration of the whole hybrid inorganic-biological REFINE system (Unit 1 + 2 ) for lab (TRL3) and outdoor (TRL5) demonstrations.

The University of Strathclyde hosts two research groups that are making significant contributions to sustainable energy and chemical production. Dr. Dragos Neagu‘s (Senior Lecturer) group focuses on developing innovative materials for electrochemistry and catalysis, with projects spanning hydrogen production, syngas generation, biomass conversion, artificial photosynthesis, electrolysis, and carbon capture and utilization. The group employs advanced multi-scale techniques, modelling, and machine learning to probe structure-performance-durability correlations. Dr. Xiaolei Zhang‘s (Senior Lecturer) Sustainability and Decarbonisation group addresses macroscopic engineering challenges by valorising wastes into valuable products such as fuels and chemicals. The group’s unique expertise in multi-scale investigation techniques, including atomic-level simulation, mesoscopic-level analyses, and macroscopic-level techno-economic and life-cycle analysis, supports their research.

Role in the project In the REFINE project, the group’s role is on the development of oxygen evolution electrodes for the electrolyser unit and also contributing to the in situ and operando understanding of the materials and electrodes. Additional contribution will be on the sustainability assessment of the REFINE processes involving dynamic simulation, life cycle environmental analysis and techno-economic assessment.

The Chemical and Biochemical Plant Design Group in the Department of Engineering at University of Palermo (UNIPA) specialises in experimental and modelling aspects of equipment and processes related to chemical, catalytic, photocatalytic, electrochemical and biochemical processes. The group has developed innovative methods for equipment and plant design supported by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) including: (i) Environmental Nanocatalysis and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis for Environmental and Renewable Energy Applications, (ii) Photo/Microbial Electrosynthesis Systems and Solar Chemicals, (iii) Advanced Disinfection, Advanced Water Detoxification and Reuse, (iv) Process Intensification, Photoreaction/Solar Engineering and Advanced Mathematical Modeling of Multiphase Systems using CFD.

Currently the group comprises one Full Professor (Gianluca LI PUMA – male), three Associate Professors (Francesca Scargiali – female; Franco Grisafi – male; Giuseppe Caputo – male), one Assistant Professor (Serena Lima – female) and several PDRA, PhD and undergraduate final year students.

Role in the project Professor Gianluca LI PUMA will be responsible for coordinating the research and management activities of UNIPA in the REFINE project. It will work closely with the team al Loughborough University to execute the following tasks:

  • Co-supervision together with Dr Brahim Benyahia of Loughborough University of the appointed postdoctoral researcher activities. The postdoctoral researcher will be appointed at Loughborough University and will spend a period of research activities at UNIPA.
  • Execution of WP1, WP7, WP12, WP15, WP19, WP20 in collaboration with Dr Brahim Benyahia of Loughborough University.

«REFINE: The Fourth-Generation of Biorefineries»

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